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Creating mental health across cultures – Coaching and training for managers

Mayer, Claude-Hélène; Boness; Christian Martin
2013, 276 pages
Print:  25,00 € |
20,00  inkl. MwSt.
(inkl. MwSt.)
25,00 € inkl. MwSt.
20,00  inkl. MwSt.
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Managing healthy transcultural organisations is based on the strength and the sense of coherence (SOC) of individuals, to comprehend, manage and create meaning in challenging work situations. To cope with these challenges, managers need to activate their individual resources and increase their transcultural and conflict management competences.

In our management and consultancy practice, we experience the importance of interlinking health and well-being on the one hand with transcultural communication and conflict management on the other hand. A systemic approach supports the development of the three SOC components effectively and contributes to well-being within individuals and the organisation.

In this book, we present MEHTO, a coaching and training module for managers which includes individual counselling sessions, group training series, as well as team mentoring and facilitator training. We have developed MEHTO through management research in international organisations and global players, as well as through our experience in international and transcultural management consultancy.

Particularly during the past years of global economic crisis, we have recognized the need for increasing mental health in managers and organisations. We believe that managers and organisations in the 21st century require a shift towards holistic and spiritual values to promote sustainable healthy organisations.

This manual aims at developing health-oriented management practices which focus on individual and organisational well-being across cultures. It is a manager’s Handbook or Vademecum towards a successful and healthy leadership mindset. Enjoy it!

Prof. Claude-Hélène 
Claude-Hélène Mayer ist Professorin für Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie an der University of Johannesburg, Südafrika. Sie promovierte in den Fächern Psychologie, Management und Ethnologie und habilitierte sich an der Europa Universität Viadrina in Psychologie mit Schwerpunkt Arbeits-, Organisations- und Kulturpsychologie. Ihre Forschungsschwerpunkte sind mentale Gesundheit in interkulturellen Arbeitskontexten, Frauen in Führung, Psychobiographie, Scham, und Vierte Industrielle Revolution / Arbeit 4.0.
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