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Exploring Mental Health: Theoretical and Empirical Discourses on Salutogenesis

Mayer, Claude-Hélène; Krause, Christina (Eds.)
2012, 184 pages
Print:  20,00 € |
16,00  inkl. MwSt.
(inkl. MwSt.)
20,00 € inkl. MwSt.
16,00  inkl. MwSt.
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Since a few decades the question of “What keeps people healthy?” is discussed vividly. This text collection book contains new theoretical and empirical discourses on salutogenesis and sense of coherence from interdisciplinary perspectives, responding to this central question. Researchers from various cultures have contributed to this book, discussing relevant contemporary questions on mental health and well-being. 
This text collection book can serve as a handbook for salutogenetic research and practice. It provides an introduction into the topic as well as specific deep insights into selected research areas.
This book is a must for lecturers, researchers and students of health sciences, psychology, medical sciences and medical sociology.

Prof. Claude-Hélène 
Claude-Hélène Mayer ist Professorin für Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie an der University of Johannesburg, Südafrika. Sie promovierte in den Fächern Psychologie, Management und Ethnologie und habilitierte sich an der Europa Universität Viadrina in Psychologie mit Schwerpunkt Arbeits-, Organisations- und Kulturpsychologie. Ihre Forschungsschwerpunkte sind mentale Gesundheit in interkulturellen Arbeitskontexten, Frauen in Führung, Psychobiographie, Scham, und Vierte Industrielle Revolution / Arbeit 4.0.
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