Methods, Possibilities and Perspectives of Pre-symptomatic Tumor Diagnostics
Conrad, K.; Bachmann, M.; Lehmann, W.; Sack, U. (Eds.)
2005, 348 pages
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There is no doubt that the early diagnosis of tumors is the most effective way to reduce the mortality caused by neoplastic diseases. Pre-symptomatic tumor diagnostics may be considered as secondary prevention by effective screening to identify cancer at a localized and curable stage. In this book methods, possibilities and perspectives of pre-symptomatic tumor diagnostics will be discussed. Because of the heterogeneity of tumors in genes and protein expression as well as in the biological behaviour one approach alone is insufficient for a highly specific, sensitive and cost-effective screening. In four chapters the requirements for an effective screening, the value of conventional "screening" methods (tumor markers, anatomical imaging modalities), and the search for novel biomarkers (tumor associated genes, antigens and autoantibodies) in terms of non-imaging screening as well as novel developments in imaging technologies and endoscopical approaches will be described. Pre-symptomatic tumor diagnostics is a complex field that needs interdisciplinary research. The societies Gesellschaft für Immundiagnostik e.V. ( and Präsymptomatische Tumordiagnostik e.V. ( co-operate to provide a communication platform - "Innovation Forum Pre-symptomatic Tumor Diagnostics" - that supports complex research projects between clinicians, researchers, and industry to develop and validate new diagnostic technologies and products. This national platform will be turned into an international institution in the future.
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